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Jiangsu Shenyuan Participated In The Establishment Of The Drafting Group Meeting Of The Two Group Standards For Steel And Alloy Silver Bar For Internal Combustion Engine And Stainless Steel Wire For Cold Heading
2017-10-28 15:41:52

On October 27,2017, Comrade Zhang Guofu, deputy general manager of the Group Company, led a team to participate in the establishment and first working meeting of the Working Group on drafting group standards of the China Special Steel Enterprise Association," Steel and Alloy Silver Bright Bar for Internal Combustion Engine Air Valves "and" Stainless Steel Wire for Cold Upsetting "organized by the Institute of Metallurgical Industry Planning and Research. 


As the main drafting units of the two standards, our company joined 19 representatives from Yongxing Special Stainless Steel Co., Ltd., Qingtuo Group Co., Ltd., Panzhihua Steel Group Jiangyou Great Wall Special Steel Co., Ltd., Jinan Ward Auto Parts Co., Ltd., Huaiji Dengyun Auto Parts Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Xinyue Auto Parts Co., Ltd., Sanai Hailing Co., Ltd., Aozhan Industrial Co., Ltd., Shandong Tengda Fastening Technology Co., Ltd., Ltd., and 11 Units of Metallurgical Industry Planning Research Institute. The main contents of the meeting include the formation of a standard working group, the discussion of the draft standards, the formation of a work schedule, and so on.  The participants discussed in depth the two group standard preparation instructions and work plan (draft) of "steel and alloy silver bar for internal combustion engine air valve" and "stainless steel wire for cold heading ", and made clear the key points of the preparation and the concrete expression form of the standard content. 

The two group standards for steel and alloy silver bar for internal combustion engine and stainless steel wire for cold heading are proposed by Jiangsu Shenyuan Special Steel Co., Ltd., Yongxing Special Stainless Steel Co., Ltd., etc. The development of the two group standards can meet the needs of the market and innovation, fill the gap of standards in the field, improve the refinement of technical requirements, and enhance the applicability, timeliness, marketability and first-time of the standards  advance, will promote technological progress to meet the downstream steel demand. 

The origin and significance of the group standard: the current standard of our country is mainly government standard, this kind of monistic structure causes the society and the market function not to play fully, has restricted the effective supply of the standard, has caused the standard missing aging lag, the standard cross important, the standard system is not reasonable and so on. On the contrary, in foreign countries, the group standard has been developed for more than 100 years. The United States, the European Union, Japan and other developed countries have a relatively sound system, a large number of social organization standards. In order to strengthen the construction of technical standard system and deepen the reform of standardization work, in March 2015, the State Council formulated and supplied the standard for our country.  A number of institutional bottlenecks have led to the issuance of the Reform Programme for Deepening Standardization, which calls for the transformation of the current standard system of a single supply of government into a new type of standard system composed of government-led standards and self-made standards. Among them, the government-led formulation of standards from six categories of integration into four categories; market-based standards are divided into group standards and enterprise standards. 

In accordance with the spirit of the Reform Program, in April 2016, the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine and the State Standardization Administration issued the Circular on Guidance on Standards of Cultivation and Development Groups, which further clarified that cultivating and developing group standards is an important step for the market to play a decisive role in the allocation of standardized resources and accelerate the construction of a new national standard system. It is necessary to promote the healthy and orderly development of group standardization work through the four principles of market leading, government guidance, innovation driving and overall coordination. Strive to 2020, the market independently set group standards more mature development, better meet market competition and  the need for innovative development. 

To promote trade associations, federations, industrial alliances and other social organizations, to formulate and issue standards for social organizations in accordance with the needs of the market, and to encourage enterprises to actively adopt the advanced standards formulated by social organizations, is to draw lessons from the advanced experience of developed countries and regions. (Transfer from: China Quality News Network)