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Guangdong Huaiji Leaders To Visit The Company's Two-party Audit
2019-08-20 15:34:29

On August 20,2019, guangdong huaiji co., lian shaoling vice president, mao dongqiang chief engineer, yuan tianhua quality manager three experts to our company for the annual two-party audit. Company leader Zhao Heng Director, Wang Hua Director, Zhang Guofu Director Assistant, Shenyuan Alloy General Manager Han Xiaojun and others participated in the reception. quality department ke hongsheng chaired the first meeting. At the meeting, Minister Ke introduced the participants of the two sides and watched the video introduction of Shenyuan Company; the audit was arranged, and Director Zhao Heng and Director Wang Hua expressed warm welcome to the guests. 


After the meeting, three experts were divided into two groups, one group for technical exchange and the other group for on-site audit. Under the leadership of Minister Ke Hongsheng and Minister Ding Xingming, Mr. Yuan checked whether the rectification was closed or not, and conducted a full exchange with the leaders of each branch in the course of the review. 

In this audit, all the manufacturing plants are fully prepared, the production plant leaders personally received, especially the steelmaking plant director wang tianjun and fine special steel factory training general, detailed introduction to the customer product production process, equipment input transformation situation, fully demonstrated the company's product quality assurance ability. 

At the last meeting, three experts of Huaiji gave our company a high evaluation. The customer is full of expectation to our company development prospect, gave a big praise. But there are still some problems. The FMEA was not updated in time. The protection of the workers in the milling work area of the steelmaking plant was not in place. 

The meeting also made several suggestions:1,23-8N chemical elements of the Cpk cannot take 50 data for analysis, can appropriately relax the time;2, although the control plan specified the frequency of inspection, but the site to ensure quality,100% of the inspection, the control plan is best consistent with the field operation. It is recommended that the company implement hierarchical audit management for the inspection of the mixture. 


Company director Zhao Heng, assistant director Zhang Guofu to the three experts audit guidance, expressed sincere thanks, and at the meeting gave work instructions.