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Tai Fu Heng Tong Special Materials Project
2018-12-30 16:04:05

On the afternoon of the 29th, winter chilly, our company's factory workshop production hot, the 12th xinghua municipal party committee 6th plenary committee members of more than 80 people under the leadership of the municipal party committee secretary li weiguo, to the shenyuan group wholly-owned subsidiary of taifu hengtong technical innovation project site for observation and exchange. Accompanied by the general manager of Gong Yuansheng of the group company, Secretary Li and his party have observed the special material project situation of our company, the product display of the company, the hot rolling plant workshop project site successively. Shen Guoping, the company's executive director of the project site, the company's various series of products one by one detailed explanation. Secretary Li Weiguo listened carefully to the technical innovation project of special materials  After the introduction nodded praise, encourage our company according to the project plan high standard strict requirements, grasp the actual work, as soon as possible to achieve efficiency. In front of our company's product display cabinet, members of the committee studied the engine valve working prototype with great interest, and learned that the engine valve steel should be high temperature, corrosion resistance, wear-resistant and other stringent product requirements, members praised; Secretary Li Weiguo told members in person that the engine valve face to withstand high temperature wear and not air leakage is the key to the engine, at this time the general manager of Gong Yuansheng to introduce, after the project can produce 6000 tons of high-performance nickel-based valve alloy, new sales of 500 million yuan.  The committee applauded. Members also observed the hot rolling mill production workshop project site. General Manager Gong Yuansheng told Secretary Li and his party that the next step of our company will be to "focus on transformation and upgrading, leading the industrial revitalization, build tens of billions of Shenyuan" as the goal, to build the world's largest air valve steel materials manufacturing enterprises. 


After the observation, Secretary Li gave great affirmation to the development of Shenyuan, and highly praised the company's product science and technology content, independent R & D advantages, huge and perfect production scale, and expressed good wishes for the future development of the company! 


Accompanied by the manufacturing director Zhao Heng and other company leaders.