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Shenyuan Group participate in the cooperation of the Institute of Jiangsu Province and the Sixth Conference on the Results of Cooperation between Industry, University and Research
2017-07-13 17:37:57

From July 5 to 6," china jiangsu university co-operation meeting and the 6th industry, university and research cooperation results exhibition fair "held in nanjing international expo center. The event, sponsored by the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and the Jiangsu Provincial People's Government, is a major event for Jiangsu Province to focus on "Juli Innovation ", promote the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and implement the strategy of innovation-driven development. Li Qiang, secretary of the provincial party committee and chairman of the standing committee of the provincial people's congress, said in a speech on the theme conference that the innovation of cohesion is a distinct orientation of Jiangsu's new round of development, and hoped that the big courtyard will focus more on Jiangsu and turn more strength to Jiangsu, and realize mutual cooperation in a better docking cooperation  A win-win. 


As a leading enterprise in the field of air valve steel manufacturing, Shenyuan of Jiangsu Province, at the invitation of Jiangsu Metallurgical Industry Association, set up a booth in the traditional metallurgical material area. Air valve steel rods and finished valves of fine steel products display, attracted the meeting experts, industry leaders stopped, and by scientific research institutions, metallurgical industry leaders, experts high attention and praise. 
