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Shenyuan Group Company and Sichuan Atlantic Group Company launch strategic cooperation
2018-08-01 17:02:10

On the afternoon of July 30, our company signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Sichuan Atlantic Group Company, and the two sides will carry out deep cooperation in the fields of resource sharing, technical coordination, cost optimization, system complementarity and so on. 


Municipal Party Secretary Li Weiguo, Mayor Huang Hongqi, Vice Mayor Hua Zaipeng, Vice Mayor Zeng Mingquan of Zigong City, Vice Mayor of Zigong City, Vice Chairman of the Zigong Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Yang Yukang attended the event, and Municipal Committee standing Committee member and Vice Mayor Fan Junjiang presided over the signing ceremony. 


Sichuan Atlantic Group, located in Zigong City, Sichuan Province, is the first large enterprise group to specialize in welding materials R & D, production and sales in China. The company has the industry's first national enterprise technology center, is the industry's strongest R & D strength, the most complete variety specifications, production and marketing multi-point layout of specialized enterprises. Our company is the key enterprise in the stainless steel industry cluster of Xinghua city, the air valve steel market share is the second in the world, the domestic first, the special welding wire ranks the top three in the country, the special stainless steel wire is among the top in the country, in 2017, the invoice sales is 2.1 billion yuan, the storage tax exceeds 100 million yuan, increases 59% and the special steel wire respectively  89%, the development momentum is strong. 

With the signing of the strategic cooperation agreement, we will carry out deep cooperation, through the integration of industrial chains to achieve upstream and downstream resource sharing, achieve cost minimization, resource rationalization, technology management synergy, promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, cultivate advanced manufacturing clusters, our company will further enhance the competitive advantages in special stainless steel, nickel-based alloys, special welding materials, etc. to lay the foundation for building a world-class special steel manufacturing enterprise with global competitiveness. At the same time, the cooperation will also help Atlantic Group to build a trinity of welding materials, equipment and application, and promote the company to provide high-end welding technology  Overall solution services on the transformation and development, to create a world-class competitive welding materials enterprises. 


Li Weiguo, secretary of the municipal party committee, pointed out that at present, in the critical period of the transformation and upgrading of the stainless steel industry in our city, Atlantic Group Company and Shenyuan Group Company started strategic cooperation, which fully demonstrated the keen investment vision of Atlantic Group Company and the open development thinking of Shenyuan Group Company. In the next step, the Xinghua Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government will do a good job in providing a relaxed environment for the development of Shenyuan Group Company and the stainless steel industry, and hope that Shenyuan Group Company will take the signing of cooperation as a new starting point, strengthen production and management, increase product research and development promotion and brand building, make enterprises bigger and stronger, and make new and bigger for the high-quality development of the whole city's industrial economy  The contribution. 

We will continue to work under the correct leadership of the municipal party committee and government, in accordance with the agreed time and path of the two sides, to unite pragmatic, honest and efficient, and quickly complete the relevant work of cooperation, to the annual sales of 10 billion yuan, profits and taxes of 1 billion yuan of the grand goal to move forward!