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Expert Group Of The Institute Of Metallurgical Industry Planning Visits Shenyuan Group
2017-11-03 17:25:48

On November 2,2017, the Vice President of Chopin State of the Institute of Metallurgical Industry Planning and Research led a team of steel rolling offices, standardized research center professionals to visit Jiangsu Shenyuan Group Co., Ltd., Zhao Heng deputy general manager, Zhang Guofu deputy general manager, Shen Guoping deputy general manager and other company leaders and heads of various departments to participate in the reception. The two sides to Jiangsu Shenyuan optimization and promotion of development countermeasures and enterprise standard system construction and other content of communication and exchange, and on-site investigation on the production and operation of the company. 


Vice General Manager Zhao Heng introduced Shenyuan's key products, operation status and future objectives, and discussed in depth the construction of enterprise standard system and the implementation of standardization strategy with the expert group of the Planning Institute, saying that Shenyuan's strategic objectives are to achieve product serialization, quality standardization, process matching, inspection automation, and continue to promote scientific and technological innovation, product upgrading and optimization development. 

The Vice-President of Chopin made a professional analysis of the development situation of the special steel industry in China and the key points of the optimization and upgrading of the special steel enterprises, emphasizing the important role of standardization work in effectively transforming scientific and technological innovation achievements, promoting the optimization and upgrading development of enterprises and enhancing the comprehensive competitive ability of enterprises.  Work through standards to provide superior products and services to downstream users. 

On November 2,2 ...